Space Dancer
Name | Unknown |
Aliases | Space Dancer |
Born | Unknown |
Alignment | Hero |
Association | Independant |
Area of Influence | Milky Way and Beyond |
Abilities | |
Time and Space Manipulation |
Mutation Details
Security Level 3 required
Type: Undetermined
Risk lvl: Very High
Risk type: Absolute
The rift fondamentally shook the 10 astronauts in a most particular way,everything those peoples were got fused with the fabric of the univers itself,giving him abilities of manipulation of molecules and matter on a impossibly intense level,he seems however more intrested to make disco balls and light themed attacks if he needs to,making most people miss understand his ability with light powers
Personal notes from The Bear regarding Space Dancer
The Space Dancer might be our biggest threat sadly; on this, Dave is right. A man this strong being this unpredictable is a risk, we should find his weakness... Perhaps he would simply tell us, knowing this bastard.