
Name Wayne Lykoi
Aliases Captain
Born 1978
Alignment Criminal
Association Independant
Extraterrestrial Parasite

Abilities Details

Security Level 3 required

Type: Infection
Risk lvl: Medium
Risk type: Carnage, Demolition

Subject hosts in it's left eye an extraterestrial eldritch entity. It seems to be living symbiotically with subject.

Most of the time, the entity is not percivable, hidden underneath an eyepatch. However, entity can grow and become an extention of the subject's body, tough seems to possess a mind of it's own. Subject claims to be able to communicate with it.


Subject living with parents

Becomes involved with the Coop, a criminal organisation, as a courrier.

September 1986
Subject becomes infected with extrateretrial parasite while on a mission

April 1987
Subject becomes informant for Syndicate of Equality

January 1988
Thanks to his information, Syndicate of Equality is able to take down the Coop. Subject vanishes shortly after. Subject isint pursued.

October 2008
Subject spotted in Morroco. Evidently has not stopped illegal activities.

December 2020
Subject discovered to have a foothold in Quinns. Subject under observation.