14 of September 2013
Centurion: Hey there bud, what's that on your back?
Beast: Oh, that? My daughter!
Ghost: you have a daughter!?
Beast: ayeup
Centurion: So... what's her name?
Beast: Snip! It's her favorite sound
Ghost: Oh, cool!
Centurion: She's hiding, is she shy?
Beast: naah, i just told her to be safe
(short pause)
Beast: Snippy wanna talk to daddy's work buddies? Yeah? Alright
Centurion: (audibly taken aback) OH WOW okay cool uh-
Ghost: (interrupting) Hi Snip nice to meet you!
(short pause)
Snip:Hello. You are strange
Ghost: (slightly unsettled) ahaha, thanks, you too
Centurion: (to beast) So, how long have you had this child
Beast: a while? She's just passed a dozen winters.
Centurion: oh, okay. Has she... uh...
Ghost: SHE! BIT ME??
Beast: Haha yeah, she does that. Means she likes you!
14 of September 2013
R: Hey Centurion, your wards are running away. I know you're slow but you can still catch up to them, old man
C: I would, but-
B: (yelling) Of course they wanted to go away! You're just a stupid fatass with no brain!
M: Nico, calm down, we'll get them back in to ti-
B: (agitated) You think I'm angry now? Imagine how it'll be once you mess about my family business!
C: (accusatory)Dude! If I were a normal guy I could've really gotten hurt!
B: (aggressive) But you arent! You're the Centurion, fucking usurper
C: (agitated) What do you mean by that?? Cause even as tall as you are
C: Remember who'd lead armies and who's your Boss, puny russian!
B: (insulted) THAT'S IT
M: I agree... While Nico shouldn't've launched you into the console, you really are an usurper... We're EQUALS, yet time and time again you treat us a foot soldiers.
G: That's how he sees us, really.
C: (aggressive) Out of my HEAD, undead!
G: Im not in it, I'm mearly grazing the surface levels of the most clear motive you have. It's to lead us to a peaceful world.. But through your dictatorship, not by helping humans...
C: (aggressive) Cause they don't know what's best for them!!
M: I think... We should have a meeting. And talk about the direction of the Syndicate going forward...
B: Radiant.... Cant you see Centurion doesnt give a shit?